Hair by Phd Camden Turns One

Hair by Phd Camden Turns One

Wow! That has gone so fast it’s crazy. On June 13 2018, Hair by Phd Camden will turn one. It has been an amazing ride for salon Director Lemai Wilson. Lemai, who worked for many years at Hair by Phd Parramatta, has become Camden’s hairdresser of choice. In a very...
Hair by Phd – The Year That Was 2017

Hair by Phd – The Year That Was 2017

Wow! What a year? It has certainly flown by! Funny how you feel like you are just getting over last Christmas and before you know it the party season lead up is on your doorstep again. It’s been a very big year for Hair by Phd. At the start we introduced our amazing...
Hair by Phd Colour Makeovers

Hair by Phd Colour Makeovers

Spring is generally a time when we will consider many changes. A reminder that summer is coming, we start to think about heading back to the gym, re-evaluating our wardrobe or maybe even a hair colour change. Changing your hair colour can be simple but it also can be...